ZAMUN committees

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ZAMUN committees

ZAMUN Committees

ZAMUN committees are simulations of real United Nations bodies, like UNSC, UNHRC, UNODC, DISEC, ECOSOC, IBC, WTO, UNEP, UNESCO. In every committee is each country represented by ONE delegate. Committees are chaired by an experienced president, who organizes the whole session based on the Rules of procedure. The aim of every committee is to create a resolution – an official UN document, in which the countries presented in a committee offer solutions for a particular international issue. Ahead of the conference, presidents publish their Study Guide and each delegate is supposed to send an Position Paper – the official position of represented country related to the committee topic.

Every year 4 ZAMUN, 2 ESMUN and 1 Frac committees are established and every delegate can choose their preferred one, based on the Country matrix (allocation of countries in committees).

Committees start their session after the Opening ceremony on Thursday afternoon and continue on Friday morning.

Event Timeslots (5)

Friday ZAMUN

Friday ZAMUN

Thursday ZAMUN

Thursday ZAMUN

Thursday ZAMUN