Honorable delegates, teachers, esteemed guests, and attendees,
It is my absolute pleasure, as the Secretary-General, to welcome you all to the 7th annual Zilina Model United Nations conference. Although I am not from Zilina myself, nor do I live there, this small beautiful city holds a very special place in my heart; and I have ZaMUN to thank for it. I remember attending the very first ZaMUN back in 2012, when I was 16 years old, never anticipating the impact that this conference could have on me. Now, 6 conferences later, I am fully invested in making the conference have the same strong and unforgettable impression on other students.
Having attended more than 15 MUN conferences throughout my high school and university life, I can say with utmost honesty that one can never fully pinpoint what makes each conference unique and amazing. People might often have the same answer and/or explanation as to why each conference went over brilliantly, yet I always see that each experience is different when I see students hard at work in committees, when I seem them passionately make speeches and put in extra effort into making their voice heard in the process of making a resolution. You can never repeat the experience in the exact same way, which is why I attend so many MUN conferences and will always remain loyal to ZaMUN. It is because I feel that each experience has something new to offer, both to experienced and newcomer delegates. This experience gains more value and depth when looking at the content and context of what goes on within.
Every year, MUN conferences challenge young students to tackle world crises and problems as representatives of countries, to come up with a comprehensive and complete resolution. This teaches students commitment, dedication and the importance of a work ethic. Moreover, students can improve their debating skills, as well as speaking and writing abilities. What remains, however, is the unforgettable aspect of meeting new people and finding new friends. This atmosphere allows young students to meet other inspired and motivated students, an act wherein you will find the strongest impact from MUNs overall. I am incredibly excited to meet you all, and cannot wait to show you what the city of Zilina and the ZaMUN organizing team has to offer.
Sincerely, Nastaran A.Motlagh