The issue of harmonizing and integrating Global Primary education
POSITION PAPERS: to paulinyova.e@gmail.com (deadline - 7.4.2018)
Dear delegates,
The economic and Social committee offers a broad spectrum of problems, of which the main focus lays between the problems of environment, economy and society. This year´s issue of ECOSOC touches all of you, as you, distinguished delegates, will be discussing the pressing matter of global education.
As students, we see the education as a must, maybe even as a chore. But on the global scale, there are hundreds of thousands of children of your age, that have never been to school. It´s alarming that in the 21st century, society is not able to provide proper education for children across the globe. Not only that, given, that education is a severely complex issue, this year's committee will also discuss coalescence of compulsory education. While being part of an international event such as ŽilinaMUN, you will be able to notice the differences between the students from different countries. Although the obligatory education is inevitable for all of you, the time you have to spend going to school vary and so do the information you obtain. This causes the gap between the students in their preparation for future life and on the greater level between countries in UN. So I hope that the issue of Harmonizing and integrating Global primary education will be interesting yet be enriching for you and that we will be able to find the most suitable solution for this matter. I am truly looking forward to seeing ŽilinaMUN from yet another perspective, as this is my 3rd year of participation in this event. Nevertheless, I am even more excited to meet all of you, delegates, and to see all of your hard work. But before that, I would like to ask you to prepare a Position paper of your country and start to think about the draft resolution as we approach the 18th of April.
Wishing you best of luck and a great experience.
Emma Paulínyová, President of Economic and social committee